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The literature available to personal injury lawyers, regarding the types of injuries associated with rear end collisions offers plenty of useful information. Still, most of it lacks any mention of a serious complication that can develop, after a specific type of injury, one that was suffered at the time of a rear-end collision. You need to know about the injuries and symptoms found in most literature about rear-end collisions, and how such a collision can damage the body.

Whiplash: This problem develops when the muscles of the neck get pushed to a point that exceeds their typical range of motion. The affected victim exhibits at least some of these symptoms: muscle and shoulder pain, muscles spasms, trouble with swallowing; trouble with speaking; difficulty remembering things; trouble with concentration, headaches, loss of energy and dizziness.

Damage to spinal cord: The soft tissue in the spinal cord gets stretched. As a result, the back muscles get strained. The back produces recurring or unrelenting pain.

Traumatic brain injury: This usually develops if a driver or passenger’s head hits a hard surface. Sometimes the brain moves in the skull, and hits the side of the skull. In either case, the brain gets injured. Like a concussion, a TBI (traumatic brain injury) can cause headaches, sleep disturbances, trouble recalling information, behavioral changes and possible dizziness.

A possible complication with serious consequences:

It is possible that the driver or passenger that hit his or her head was suffering with an earache at that same time. That would mean that the inner ear had become infected. When such an infection is close to the brain tissue, any damage to the brain can become aggravated by the infection.

What might that mean, if someone in a hit vehicle had an earache, and then his or her head impacted onto a surface within the damaged automobile? It could mean that a portion of the brain might cease to function as well as it should. That might not be the brain tissue; it could be the ventricle.

What is the ventricle in the brain? It is a space that holds the cerebral spinal fluid. That fluid is supposed to flow from the ventricle into the spinal cord. If some blockage develops, the fluid builds up in the chamber/ventricle.

That buildup of fluid can cause hydrocephalus. A patient that has developed hydrocephalus might see stars in the eyes, or might suffer double vision. Those symptoms reflect the presence of pressure on the eyes, pressure coming from the fluid-filled ventricles. That condition can only be corrected by the performance of an expensive operation. Injury Attorney In Citrus Heights knows that if a negligent driver has caused that hydrocephalus, then the driver’s insurance should be held responsible for the cost of the victim’s medical treatment.